Photo Galleries > 1954-56: Kazakhstan Exile
1954-56: Kazakhstan Exile
3.1 ┆ At his hut in exile.
Kok-Terek, 1956
3.2┆ Exiled teacher of mathematics. Solzhenitsyn in his Kok-Terek hut.
3.3┆ Exiled teacher of mathematics.
Kok-Terek, Spring 1954
3.4┆ Teacher Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn leads pupils into the steppe to study geodesy.
Kok-Terek, 1955
3.5┆ Kok-Terek, 1955.
3.6┆ Kok-Terek, 1955.
3.7┆ Cancer ward.
Tashkent, 1954
3.8┆ Kok-Terek, 1954–55.
3.9┆ Kok-Terek, 1954–55.
3.10┆ Doctor L.A. Dunaieva (who treated the author for cancer).
Tashkent, 1954
3.11┆ Recovering.
Tashkent, 1954
3.12┆ With his Kazakh pupils at the S. Kirov school.
Kok-Terek, 23 June 1955
3.13┆ Yelena Aleksandrovna and Nikolai Ivanovich Zubov (close friends of the author in exile).
Kok-Terek, 1956
3.14┆ “Distribution of property”. One day before final departure from exile.