Voegelin View on Between Two Millstones
/There are two recent items of interest at VoegelinView: Lee Trepanier’s review of Between Two Millstones, Book 1, and his interview about the book with Prof. Daniel J. Mahoney.
“Between Two Milestones is a testament not only to the courage and clear-sightedness of Solzhenitsyn but also to the evils of the Soviet Union and the pathologies that still plague the West. For those who wish to know about the man and his writing, this book is a critical book to consult and read. Insightful, surprisingly humorous at places, and always focused on those things that make life worth living – family, God, culture, and one’s own country – Between Two Milestones illuminates the struggles one faces when living in the West and what one can make of it in this free but empty civilization.”
“I was particularly impressed that Solzhenitsyn already saw in the mid-to-late 1970’s that many in America and the West hated “true Russia” more than they opposed its Bolshevik oppressors. His mission remained the same: he called “for a fight to the death against Communism, yet without in any way targeting Russia.” How little this position—and imperative—remains understood in America today! Even among those who admire Solzhenitsyn, there are many who are deeply suspicious of a Russia where patriotism and religion truly flourish (I am not speaking of imperialism or religious extremism).”